Happy New Year!

I know this blog doesn't look any different than my previous photography blog but I just wanted a separate one for this upcoming season.

On thursday Jan 3rd I will be headed to Kona Hawaii to participate in an intensive 3 month photography course. (For more information click here.)

This school is run through YWAM (Youth with a Mission) which is an interdenominational Christian missions organization that was started in the 60's with the desire to see young people sent to the nations as missionaries. You might have heard about YWAM in the news recently with the shooting in Colorado, I was at that base in 2004 doing a school of worship, I did not know anyone involved. Here is an article that talks about the shooting and the organization.

I've been looking into this school ever since I started with YWAM in 2003. They only accept 16 people a year. Even though tomorrow will be my last day here in the continental US it still doesn't quite feel like a reality.

Along with updating this blog (how frequent I don't know, that will be based on how much free time I have) I will be sending out monthly e-mail updates. If you'd like to get those you can send me an e-mail to ywamjim@yahoo.com with "subscribe" in the title.

I've also committed to doing one self portrait a day for 2008 (it's a flickr thing) you can follow that here.

Here's to an awesome 2008.
jim baker

p.s if you leave a comment please leave your first and last name so I know who you are!

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

03.12.08 - 15 days left...

I took my final exam last week and got a 93%! Highest grade I've gotten on an exam in a long time... haha.

Next tuesday our final project is due which is 60 pictures, 40 color and 20 black and white and about half of those have specific requirements or categories that they have to meet.

One of them was to show textures, so I side lit these two dollar bills and a quarter to show texture.

And every tuesday night they do a skate night in the Ohana Court for the community. Probably about 50 or so kids come out and they set up ramps and stuff for the kids to skate on.

I've been saying since I got here that I wanted to shoot one of these nights but something always came up. Since I realized there aren't to many tuesday night skate nights left I decided to get down there and do it.

Our exhibition is next Friday and then I'm wrapping up and getting outta here on the 26th.

Crazy how time flies.

I'm looking forward to kickin' it with you if you live in MD though. How's the weather?

jim baker

1 comment:


yoo, you're heading out soon! aww. i love the texture photo. awesomeness.